Man Lounge Chair - Leather
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The collection references the 1950s and 1960s Danish furniture design, a period inspired by the Bauhaus movement where simple and clean shapes were in focus.
Width: 67 cm
This product is available in more variations. Contact us for requests.
Product statistics:
- Made of stainless steel frame upholstered with reinforced Canvas.
- The cushions are upholstered with leather or fabrics and filled with foam core covered with fine down filling
- Distinctively modern.
- Stainless steel frame made in Denmark and upholstery in Poland.
- Rune Krøjgaard and Knut Bendik Humlevik, 2011
Made to order:
- 10-12 weeks
Depth: 74 cm
Height: 37 cm
Seat Height: 75 cm
Stainless steel frame fitted with reinforced canvas. Cushions upholstered with high-end eco-conscious leather from Sørensen Leather.
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